Our busy schedules of present times force us to push back health really down on our priority lists. There are a few people who are trying to reverse the trend by reaching out to millions of people through social media. We are going to feature four such extraordinary Indian women, who have already made a mark on social media as influencers, collectively inspiring more than 3.3 Lakh social media followers.
Ayesha Billimoria
Popularly found on social media by the name of FitGirlIndia, Ayesha is a Track & Field athlete in 400m. She is a physical trainer and a coach of athletics. She is followed by more than 23 thousand people on social media.
17.6 thousand followers on her Instagram profile. 5 thousand followers on her Facebook page. 500+ followers on her Twitter account.
Natasha Noel
Her social handles would read as NatashaNoel001. An athlete, a Yogini and a serious trainer, she is complete fitness artist so to say. More than 88 thousand people follow her through different social media platforms and get inspired.
82.3 thousand followers on her Instagram profile. 5 thousand followers on her Facebook page. 150+ followers on her Twitter account.
Anupriya Kapur
She is popular as MomOnTheRun on social media. This is what she has to say about herself: “After years of chasing deadlines at various corporate jobs, followed by full-time motherhood and now a work from home mom – I discovered running in 2009. There’s been no looking back ever since. Since running has been my source of fitness and positive energy for so many years now, my endeavor is to help people realize that it’s a recreation meant for everyone. Running does not need a special talent, time or place. I have no lineage nor history in sports. And, I have been running in all weathers, all terrains, through relocation, stress, common health bugs, a growing child, and social commitments.”
There are 53.5 thousand people following, and getting benefitted by her social media profiles.
28.5 thousand followers on her Instagram profile. 5 thousand followers on her Facebook page. 6.5 thousand followers on her Twitter account.
Sucheta Pal
After training and teaching in the United States, this engineer turned celebrity Zumba® Master trainer returned to India in 2012 and is now the lead Zumba® Education Specialist together with being an International presenter & speaker for top fitness expos across the world. More than 88 thousand people follow her through different social media platforms and get inspired. More than 1.42 Lakhs of people follow her on social media.
24.2 thousand followers on her Instagram profile. 1.15 lakh followers on her Facebook page. 3.1 thousand followers on her Twitter account.
Hope these ladies inspire you to take up healthy living. Keep following Greenroom Buzz for many such inspiring stories of influencers in India.