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How to become a Blogger

Writer's picture: Lakshmi BalasubramanianLakshmi Balasubramanian

Have you been searching for some tips on how to become a Blogger? Do you love writing, but have no idea about how to turn it into a brand? This is a common problem for many who are stuck in the nascent stage.

There is no need to worry if you feel your blog is disorganized when you start. It takes hours and hours of work to build a strong, successful brand. If you are determined to become a blogger, then you need to bring in passion, dedication and most importantly, be serious about Blogging.

Writing a blog does not constitute mere penning down your thoughts. With the sudden influx of all types of bloggers in the digital world, there is an abundance of content available online. Therefore, it becomes extremely easy to lose your individuality in the process of research. You need to get your thoughts in sync with what you believe in and begin accordingly.

If the big question of how to become a blogger is daunting you, here are some tips that will help you on your journey to becoming a successful blogger.

  1. Research and choose your topicIt is essential that you have a deep understanding of what you can offer to your digital audience before you choose your blog topic. Start building your brand with the knowledge of what your blog offers. Choosing a topic for your blog is the first step and needs a detailed research. You need to sit down and write/type your thoughts and ideas to have a better understanding of what the true essence of your blog will be, that will make it tick.

Choose a topic that you know you like, will be interested to research for and will enjoy writing. Interest creates a passion for the subject, which leads to the creation of great content. It is, therefore, no surprise that great content makes readers show interest in what you are always saying. There is no dearth of blog topics nowadays, with beauty, lifestyle, sports, cooking and fitness being some of the popular options.

Once your blog topic is finalized, the next step is to choose your blog title. A basic keyword research is recommended before you choose the title. You can also take the help of tools such as SubjectLine to see how your title scores. For an in-depth understanding of the same and more tips, read my earlier article – how to write a blog.

  1. Know your Blog’s core values

As a blogger, you need to know the basic ideas and values that your blog will follow. Since your blog is a shadow of yourself, staying honest and true to your blog will help you grow immensely. For example, in your daily routine, you may not like to use products that harm the environment and are not eco-friendly. This means that your values will not align with a brand that is not eco-friendly. Learning to say no when something doesn’t align with your blog’s values is key to your blog’s success.

  1. Decide the tone of your content

Once you are sure of your blog’s core values and ideas, you need to determine the tone that you will be using to create content for your blog. For example, the tone of writing for a legal blogger will be vastly different to the tone of writing for a beauty blogger, mainly due to the different audience they target.Ensure that the tone of writing is consistent throughout your blog, to avoid confusion amongst your readers.

  1. Pen down your ideas

One of the best habits for a blogger is to write down all your ideas before you begin your blog. Getting into this habit helps structure your blog and makes it easier for you to decide if the idea matches with the core topic of your blog.It’s said that when you pen down your thoughts, you automatically feel focused and start paying attention to details. Make it a habit to carry a small notebook or diary wherever you go, as you never know when inspiration may strike. You can also use the Notes feature on your cell phone for easy access. Reassess these ideas the next day, for they may lead you to even better ones for your blog.

  1. Be creative

Good content and creativity go hand in hand when it comes to writing for a blog. Articles which have a unique topic or speak of a topic with a different perspective keep the readers engaged and push them to visit your blog again. Communicating your thoughts to your readers and building a good relationship with them through your blog is the key to success for any blogger. You can find tips for writing a great blog post here.

  1. Read blogs of other writers

It’s always a good idea to learn from other creative individuals. The secret to becoming a successful blogger is to constantly read what other writers are penning down. Spending some time daily to find other bloggers and check what they are doing helps you stay in touch with the current happenings and increases your reading vocabulary.

Watching vloggers on YouTube, TED Talks and Netflix documentaries also helps you view certain experiences in a different light and can help generate better ideas for your blog.

  1. Avoid mistakes

You must be thinking this is a silly tip as you have already mastered the art of skilful writing. However, trust me when I say this, I have seen many bloggers making silly mistakes while penning down their thoughts. This results in their message not being conveyed in a correct manner to their audience, which further leads to a loss of audience traffic and which can put an end to your dream of becoming a successful blogger.

There are many free tools available online to avoid mistakes and plagiarism. One of the tools I use quite frequently is Grammarly, which is a free tool for checking grammar and spelling errors in your blog. To know more about essential blogging tools, please click here.

  1. Consistency is key

This is one of the most important tips for a blogger. No matter which field your blog belongs to, consistency is always necessary for success. Take out some time every week to look at your brand and understand where it is heading. Once you know your brand inside out, it will become easier to choose what to write and who to collaborate with.

For example, as a beauty blogger, an article reviewing a food product would be confusing for your audience. Your blog values will help you stick to your blog theme and maintain boundaries. Your audience will know exactly what to expect from your blog and will, therefore, revisit for similar content.

There is a lot that you will learn along the way, through trial and error, research and through talking with like-minded individuals and other bloggers. Build a brand that creates trust amongst your readers and you will find that this is the key to a successful blogging career ahead. It’s not easy but dedication to the field and your passion for writing will ultimately help you master the art of blogging. Keep following us as in my next article, I will be sharing with you some tips on how to get paid for your blogging.

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